For Catholics, approaching the civil forum for separation of spouses or divorce is only tolerable in limited circumstances. One consideration required by canon law is whether the State court will issue a decree that is contrary to divine law. I ask those who think State divorce courts arrange separation plans that are in accord with [...]
Jeff Morgan is a Texan who says "We need to abolish the Marxist practice of unilateral 'no-fault' divorce and consign it to the dustbin of history." He recently spoke at an event for the Republicans of Texas and his video is title "The Evil of No-Fault Divorce and the Horrors of Family Court." Among other [...]
Help LeeAnne Abel help Us. Separated faithful spouses can have our perspective considered by priests who want to shepherd marriage-affirming parishes. Watch LeeAnne Abel, founder of, discuss her current survey. Her goal is to give priests resources so they can have marriage affirming parishes, minimize divorce, and support separated faithful. If you are a divorced [...]
We discuss the value of marriage even when spouses endure suffering; the divorce mentality that is pervasive among Catholics and the secular culture; simplistic responses given sometimes by clergy; the annulment scandal; the value that separated-faithful spouse have for their family and the Church.
Author John Clark and I discussed separated faithful with two counselors at “Transfiguration Counseling” from a Catholic perspective — considering Catholic anthropology. While the entire conversation was edifying, my favorite part was their answer to my question, “What does healing look like when the wound keeps happening?”
We distinguish the law and tradition which uphold marriage from the current practice that undermines it. I was on Joe McClane’s show “A Catholic Take” that is broadcast by “The Station of the Cross.” Michael Hichborn was the substitute host and he’s one of the signers of our petition to “Ask Bishops to Drop Divorce Mandate.”
We discussed the benefits of conducting an annulment investigation prior to civil divorce in the most popular grounds for annulment, which is “grave lack of discretion of judgement.” The Church should judge nullity case prior to divorce because the canon law judges are supposed to determine the parties’ obligations
This week, I recorded a video that explains how the process is supposed to start and I explain how respondents can ask for their rights to be upheld if their tribunal started the case with no proper petition.
Research Participants Needed The Impact of Moral Injury on Character Identity for Divorced Catholics: A Character Domain Perspective Are you 18 years of age or older and living in the United States? A baptized Catholic who has undergone a civil divorce? If you answered yes to each of the questions listed above, you may be [...]
A new book is being released about attacks against marriage from both outside, and inside, the Church. Author, John Clark, was a guest on EWTN. He told viewers that canon law requires every marriage to be presumed valid, unless, and until, proven otherwise. Clark says that tribunals are “proceeding the opposite way; … it’s sort of having a verdict in search of evidence.”
Several separated faithful, including myself, participated in video interviews. Excerpts are compiled in "Marriages Abandoned (short version)"
Has anyone else, like me, been miffed when tribunal personnel seem to whitewash the effect their affirmative nullity of marriage sentence will have on children? Diocesan websites figuratively pat children on the head and say, “you don’t need to feel bad; an annulment doesn’t make you an illegitimate child.” Alexander Wolfe, an adult child of [...]
Bai Macfarlane of Mary's Advocates discusses the constitutional challenge against the Massachusetts no-fault divorce statute with guest, Matthew Johnston. Matthew is extremely knowledgable about the strategy used by the defendant, which focusses on the "illegality" of any legislation that enacts viewpoint-based statutes. The defendant challenging n0-fault divorce is Mark Dallmeyer and he invites other divorce [...]
By Guest Contributor, Mark F. Colorado Springs For decades now, I have been trying to reach the clergy and lay counselors by pointing out the Scriptures, Catechism, and Canon Law they ignore. But I think adult children of divorce could reach them like no other by sharing the reality of their trauma. EWTN host, Crystalina […]
I recently spoke in Manhattan as part of a series on the crisis in the Church and society and how sacred tradition responds. My talk was about marriage, separation, divorce and annulment, and I pointed out that both the state and the Church are in similar crises. Neither’s leadership is defending marriage and the average person doesn’t even know
Separated Faithful joined for a retreat on June 4 &5 in which pre-recorded talks were given. All talks are in playlist on Mary's Advocates YouTube channel. 3. Fr. Elias Mary, Franciscans of the Immaculate "The Franciscans of the Immaculate were founded by the two Franciscan friars ... after the example of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, [...]
Separated Faithful joined for a retreat on June 4 &5 in which pre-recorded talks were given. 1. Dr. Christopher Malloy, Systematic Theology Professor at University of Dallas. Highlights noted by retreat attendees. 2. Fr. Gerald Murray is and ETWN personality and author of “Calming the Storm: Navigating the Crises Facing the Catholic Church and Society”
Fr. Gerard Murray, who earned his doctorate in canon law Gregorian University in Rome, says he found that 95% of the U.S. annulments appealed to the Roman Rota were overturned. In other words, when a defending respondent in a USA annulment case defends the validity of the marriage, some number of tribunals issue the annulment anyway.
Sheryl Temaat and I discussed a recent book about decrees for invalidity of marriage, “Consensual Incapacity to Marry.” The book is an adaptation of the dissertation of the author, Catherine Godfrey-Howell, who earned her doctorate from Pontifical University of Holy Cross (Santa Croce, Rome). Cardinal Raymond Burke wrote the forward for the book. When I [...]
April 29, I was Drew Mariani’s guest on Relevant Radio talking about Texas House Bill HB3188 to overturn unilateral no-fault divorce. Texas Representative Matt Krause has introduced several bills aimed at protecting children and spouses who have done nothing grave to justify permanent separation. Play our discussion HERE at the second half of the second hour […]
On March 6, 2021, I was the guest of Jessy Romero and Terry Barber. We talked about separated faithful, Church teaching on separation and divorce. I showed them the newly published canon law doctoral dissertation, with forward by Cardinal Raymond Burke, about the questionable presumptions canon lawyers started making in the 1960s-1980’s that set us [...]
Deacon Tom Fox and his wife Dee, invited me to speak to their listeners about Separated Faithful. Their podcast “Catholic Vitamins” has been broadcast since 2009 and its been on Catholic Radio’s local shows for three years (KPIH FM 98.9, Payson AZ).
Nebraska Divorce Defendant, Mike Dycus, is standing on principle. Rather than cooperating with divorce, he's facing one month jail sentence. Over one year ago, many of our viewers watched the video Mike made the day the sheriffs kicked him out of his house Husband Video Recorded his own Eviction During my discussion with Mike Dycus we [...]
Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of "The Sexual State" and founder of the Ruth Institute which publicizes the devastation resultant from the sexual revolution. She understands the injustice of no-fault divorce. We discussed the civil state's destruction of marriage and the impossibility of a divorce defendant stopping a divorce. Jennifer appreciates Mary's Advocates' ability [...]
I was interviewed on October 21 by David Gray. He is a convert to Catholicism by the way of Agnosticism and Protestantism. He is also a former Freemason. He currently is the President and Publisher of Saint Dominic's Media Inc. We talked about no-fault divorce, separated faithful, and the Church’s actual canon law. We spent [...]
He sets out a clear, timeless definition of marriage: “Marriage is the lifelong communion of a man and woman, established by their free consent, for the sake of the generation and education of children.”
Stephen Baskerville is a prolific writer against unilateral no-fault divorce. He says the Church has vacated territory that is rightly theirs when they let the no-fault divorce industry take over marriages. The social costs of family breakdown and single parent homes is well known and conservatives will write about that. But conservatives won't do anything [...]
I was interviewed by Paul and Kris Ciaccia who host the “Angry Catholic” podcast. We unabashedly discussed the problem of no-fault divorce among Catholics and the canonical norms that could be applied to prevent scandal and keep families together. In conclusion, we discussed how the actual Church teaching supports marriage not rampant sure-thing annulments. Listen […]
Being committed to one’s vows after being abandoned by the other is being “a living mark of shame for the wandering spouse. You are calling them constantly to repent of the evil they have done to you” says David Gordon.
University of Dallas Theology Professor, Dr. Christopher Malloy discussed no-fault Divorce with Bai Macfarlane on the Guadalupe Radio Network on January 31, 2020. Professor Malloy was in studio hosted by Dave Palmer, Executive Director of the Network
Canon Lawyer, Michelle McAloon, who is the Defender of the Bond in the Catholic Judicial Tribunal in the Diocese of Mobile Alabama, hosted Bai Macfarlane on her radio show. Michelle said she loves Mary's Advocates' message because, in her role as Defender of the Bond, she is responsible for upholding the dignity of marriage. She [...]
The post-Christian secular world has highjacked the word "marriage," so we need another word. On September 27, Deacon Omar Gutierrez spoke on about Marriage, the foundation of the family in the Compendium of Social Doctrine of the Church. In modern culture, marriage has been reduced to simply a de facto union he says. Quoting [...]
You said the act of marital divorce– in and of itself–can be a grave sin. Unlike virtually all the Catholic leaders I know, you have taken seriously Catechism paragraphs 2384-2385.
Divorce is a form of suicide and suicide is a form of murder. . . . it violated the most serious oath, the most important promise you ever made in your life to the most important person in your life — so what made you into a liar and a cheater and a betrayer.
Renown Catechist and Catholic writer, Fr. John Hardon, knows there was an annulment crisis. One of his students in New York, who was a civil lawyer, says that it is easier to get a Church annulment than a civil divorce. A canon lawyer working for a Tribunal in Michigan told Fr. Hardon that everyone who [...]
“The prelate-auditors of the Rota, sharing in common humanity, can fail in one or another decision to express concisely the consistent manner of judging at the Rota in a determinate matter, or even to abandon in some ways such a stable manner of judging.” (Cardinal Raymond Burke) Mary’s Advocate’s recently obtained the video recording […]
The Answer to Divorce Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God, a priest in the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, teaches how to heal from divorce. The answer is not getting remarried, living as if one is not married, nor acting as if one is single again. He grew up in [...]
Max Dean Esmay, founder of “Red Pill Religion” interviewed me about Mary’s Advocates resources and we discussed the constitutional challenge made April 3rd against no-fault divorce in Nebraska. Max says, “Marriage, under Secular Law,has become an obviously illegal and unjust contract.”
Jeff Morgan, who is an avid proponent of reforming no-fault divorce, brought his camera and posted his 6-part interview series.
On Valentine’s day last week, after seeing my story “Pennsylvania Dad Makes Constitutional Challenge against No-fault Divorce,” Drew Mariani invited me to be his guest on Relevant Radio. We discussed the Pennsylvania Dad’s challenge in divorce court arguing that PA statues violate the state’s own constitution.
Satanic forces in modern society have been warring against the sacrament of marriage and the family for decades now. But what some people might not know is that many bishops and priests in the Catholic Church have been fighting in that war, mostly on the side of the enemy.
On this broadcast, Mary’s Advocates founder Bai Macfarlane discusses the “True Marriage Proclamation Set” – a “pre-nuptual” agreement couples sign as a promise to give their marriage a fighting chance once the difficult days begin.
Bai Macfarlane, Director of Mary’s Advocates was interview live by Father Robert McTeigue, S.J., Ph. D. for his radio program, The Catholic Current. Of significance is someone of his caliber giving a pedestal to the voice of separated faithful who challenge the annulment abuses and the injustice of no-fault divorce.
The purpose of this video is to explain what Mary’s Advocates is doing with the canon law on separation of spouses. We’re all about upholding marriage — especially reducing unilateral no-fault divorce. When people marry, they enter into a covenant contract and the essential elements of that contract include that they’re open to children, intend permanence, and sexually fidelity.
My interviewed by AM 1160 Chicago-based radio program “Lawyers of Jesus” was broadcast May 9. Host and lawyer, Whit Brisky with Mauck & Baker LLC, is a religious liberties expert who is working on a consulting basis in a Maryland case in which a husband is challenging the constitutionality of no-fault divorce. We didn’t discuss the client’s case, […]
Political Science Professor, Stephen Baskerville, says the divorce system is a vast legal underworld based in a political power grab, full of human rights violations. He figured the Church would care because the Church marries people, but was disappointed by the Church’s non-response.
We need to make recognizing the indissolubility of marriage and the evil of divorce a prominent feature of our Catholic faith and identity, something along the line of the ways in which we are pro-life and in the ways in which we speak out against the recognition of same sex unions precisely because the gospel requires us to defend the dignity of the human person and to foster hope among ourselves and the world around us.
“The annulment processes in the United State, honestly, have been abused for many years” (Bishop Morlino says). Mary’s Advocates just produced a video interview with a participant who asked to stay anonymous, who we will refer to as “Joe.” He is filing a complaint that his whole annulment case should be thrown out due to abuses of his rights.
8:10 am Eastern, July 12. Bai Macfarlane wages a CRUSADE against “no-fault divorces” that leave morally upright parents broke and in legally broken families. Bai Macfarlane is doing something about it, hear her story and get in the game on The Mike Church Show.
Bai explains the recent controversy between herself and Ed Peters, who is a canon law professor in Detroit. With the summer wedding season coming up, Bai invites those marrying in any Christian ceremony to sign their wedding promises.
Discussion surrounded the injustice of unilateral no-fault divorce, and offered divorce defendants a support network. Mary’s Advocates’ practical resources were described: monthly phone conference calls; petition to Bishop to try to stop a breakup; and “True Marriage Proclamation Set” wherein parties assert their claim to have their marriage managed by those who respect the parties’ marriage promises. For those who are unjustly abandoned, Bai points out how we are called to respond to our offender when undergoing a grave injustice.
Co-hosts, Bruce McGregor and Jen Brown, invited Bai to speak to their audience about “Upholding the Dignity of Marriage in Light of No-Fault Divorce.” Spirit Catholic Radio Network is the area’s only Catholic radio station heard across most of Nebraska, western Iowa and other parts of the Midwest. 18 minutes
National Catholic Radio host, Drew Mariani, and Bai Macfarlane talked about no-fault divorce with callers. “We’ve got great laws on the books in the Church and the Constitution has great principles about respecting contracts. Until those laws are implemented by the people who have confidence to do so, it is a mess.”
Limiting myself primarily to civil law, in a very conversational manner, I first explain the unique Ohio Laws that protect a reliable spouse and children from forced/unilateral no-fault divorce. Thereafter, I cover some constitutional problems with forced/no-fault divorce applicable to the whole country. Learn More in resources For Divorce Defendant (local Ohio).
I was invited to speak in Rome on “The Marriage Crisis and the Code of Canon Law” (Sept. 26, 2015). The symposium was hosted by the Kolbe Center for Creation and Human Life International Rome. All the presentations were printed and given to the bishops that participated in Pope Francis 2015 bishops synod.