Pennsylvania Husband on Challenge to No-Fault Divorce
- Posted by Mary's Advocates
- On September 7, 2019
10-part Video Series
No-fault divorce reformer, Jeff Morgan, sat down with Ryan Pankoe to discuss no-fault divorce and Ryan’s appeal challenging the constitutionality of Pennsylvania’s no-fault divorce statute.
Mary’s Advocates works to reduce unilateral no-fault divorce and support those who are unjustly abandoned. We encourage everyone to pray for Ryan’s wife to decide to uphold her marriage promises. Pray for them to find help from those who are expert at helping couples reconcile and that their children can grow up in an intact home.
See Jeff Morgan’s full collection of videos and his conversations posted July 25-31 with Ryan.
ONE: Wedding Promises Made by Ryan and his Wife
Ryan shared a clip of his wedding video in which he promised, “In the name of God, I, Ryan take you Laura, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better – for worse, for richer – for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death, this is my solemn vow.”
TWO: Constitutional Challenge to Unilateral No-Fault Divorce in Pennsylvania
9:24 (vnie) Just because a judge wearing robe acts like she is judging — that doesn’t mean she actually is doing what is required of a judge in a civil court trial. Ryan’s argument is based on legal theory only, not religion. A defendant MUST be positioned to defend against some accusation of what legal duty he’s failing to uphold. No-fault doesn’t do that.
THREE: The Judge Does NOT Act in a Judicial Capacity
12:11 (uwlu) In Pennsylvania, a lawyer called a “divorce master” meets with parties first and writes a divorce template for a judge to sign. The Master in Ryan’s constitutional challenge will make an interesting case, but it is above the Master’s pay grade. Ryan talks about his day in front of the judge.
FOUR: Judges with No Subject Matter Jurisdiction are Ordering the Destruction of Families
7:43 (NkC0) When state legislators make a law that deprives people of their fundamental rights, the statute is not assumed to be constitutional. Ryan’s children, property, and marriage are being taken from him, so the state has to apply “strict scrutiny” standard (i.e., the state has responsibility to prove why no-fault is constitutional).
FIVE: The State Approves of Spousal Abandonment and Punishes the Faithful Spouse
7:21 (_v9w) Abandonment used to be despicable but now it is totally acceptable, turning justice upside down. In Pennsylvania, a divorce decree is issued prior to, and separate from, any custody and parenting time plan. 18 months ago, Ryan’s wife would only withdraw from the courts a custody complaint if he agreed to less time with his children.
SIX: The State is Destroying our Children’s Childhood
11:39 (mnck) Children care about having father and mother together. However, in no-fault divorce, children can find their love is being bought. A wedge often destroys the parent children relationship.
SEVEN: Facilitates the Divorce-Rape Culture and Rewards Adultery
11:02 (m17Q) Attorneys want no-fault divorce because it facilitates conflict long after the divorce decree. An attorney is not willing to go against all their buddies’ livelihood. Adultery is a crime against society that is awarded in no-fault divorce.
EIGHT: No Findings of Facts, No Conclusion of Law, Total Deprivations of Rights
9:41 (qf6s) The defendant in every case has no defense possible whatsoever. There are no rights, duties, or obligations that the law proscribes, for which the defendant is being accused of failing to uphold.
NINE: The Churches COULD Help Yet They Largely Remain Silent and Uninvolved
17:47 (qf6s) When churches establish intervention programs to save marriages, the whole community benefits. Mat. 18 says bring conflicts to the Church. Christians are not supposed to go to Godless courts.
TEN:The Injustice of Unilateral No-fault Divorce
7:11 (rjk8) Plaintiffs so often want divorce but aren’t willing to just walk away. They want money, Defendant’s retirement account, the house, many years of support, and the children. Ryan prays and hopes for reconciliation and sees significance in 40 years. No-fault has decimated families for 40 years and the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. He thinks his own parents’ divorce has contributed to his resolution to believe in marriage, stand up for it, and keep his marriage promises.
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