Those who choose to file for no-fault divorce are obviously dissatisfied. However, resources like these can help. The damage caused to children and the culture by civil divorce has been well-documented (i.e., Ruth Institute, and Heritage Foundation).
"Only if we are clear about the greatness of God’s call in marriage and family life will see the importance of our responsibilities, the way sin undermines these, and how the Sacrament of Reconciliation can restore familial relationships. We need not fear. Rather we should rejoice that Jesus has thought us worthy of so marvelous [...]
Dr. Bacon brings more than two decades of experience as a trainer and life-skills education facilitator with the U.S. Navy’s Fleet and Family Support Center and has delivered more than 1,000 seminars to civilians, military personnel and families on such vital topics as healthy relationships, corporate leadership, improving communication skills and respect in the workplace.
The Alexanders know “Many couples simply do not know where to turn for help. Most do not want a divorce, they just want to be happy again” They provide marriage coaching: man to man, and woman to woman.
Dr. Fitzgibbons teaches about divorce (origins, damage prevention, and new responses) and exposes the myth that divorce is the solution to one's unhappiness. His institute helps couples reconcile, especially when there is a "faith component in the whole healing process." They offer dozens of free webinars. Fitzgibbons is the co-author of “Forgiveness Therapy,” and he [...]
The Retrouvaille Program offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program. The Program consists of a weekend experience combined with a series of 6-12 post-weekend sessions over 3 months. The main emphasis of the [...]
What You Can Expect From (from their website) First and foremost, offers a referral base of qualified Catholic therapists. We’ve chosen a profile format so you can read the therapists’ own words and get a better feel for what they believe and how they integrate those beliefs into their work. Second, our blog […]
Prepare/Enrich leads the way in helping couples explore and strengthen their relationships. The main component of the program is an online survey. You’ll meet with a facilitator trained to provide feedback by helping you understand your results and learn important relationship skills. PREPARE/ENRICH will help you: Resolve conflicts and reduce stress; Identify strength and growth areas; Explore personality traits
(from Catholic Alpha site) is about saving YOUR marriage, and you realizing your role as a man in this society (plain and simple!) By compelling YOU to become a Holy Lover (The husband your wife needs; The man God created you to be) This is done through the teachings of the Catholic Church (Christ’s […]