From Bai Macfarlane
If you are looking for help defending the validity of your marriage, you are at the right place. Mary Advocates’ website contains a wealth of information about the canon law procedure for investigating marriage invalidity. I am available to give you personalized, step-by-step advice. I’d be grateful to guide you in upholding your rights as a respondent in an annulment case and help you have records for appealing to higher tribunals if you choose this route.
According to the latest statistics from the Canon Law Society of America, many dioceses in the United States issue annulments in every case. There is no requirement to hire your own canon lawyer, and you can find assistance through Mary’s Advocates.
Find my phone and email HERE.
Saint Pope John Paul II taught that it is a violence against truth to issue a decree of invalidity when the judges have false compassion that degenerates into sentimentality. “A valid marriage, even one marked by serious difficulties, could not be considered invalid without doing violence to the truth and undermining thereby the only solid foundation which can support personal, marital, and social life. … The roads leading away from justice and truth end up in serving to distance people from God, thus yielding the opposite result from that which was sought in good faith” (18 Jan. 1990 Address to Rota).
Cardinal Raymond Burke writes, “to deceive another, either deliberately or by negligence, regarding his sacramental status and the real reason for which his marriage has failed, is to is to deny him not only the truth, but also the occasion of grace that can lead to a conversion of life” (Foreword, in Godfrey-Howell, Consensual Incapacity to Marry).